"Bon Jovi Forever WebRing",
joins together all Bon Jovi fan websites
--I started this ring in 2001 because Bon Jovi has made such a difference
in my life with their songs and lyrics.
How to Join
In order to join I ask
that your site meets the following conditions.
I ask that your site be at least partly about Bon Jovi and why it has
made a difference in your life. Fan sites that include lyrics, midis,
bios and the like are encouraged to join!
male/female bashing.. No sex sites... No pornography...
Be A Page Of Links
with the idea of trying to change people's beliefs to another religion
are not allowed into this ring!
Ringmaster reserves the right to include or refuse inclusion in this
webring to any party.
to the Bon Jovi Forever Web Ring does not automatically place you on
the Ring. Your page must be approved by the Ringmaster before you are
placed on the Ring.
placement of a navigation code on the page submitted is mendatory.
No nudity, sexual content,
reference, explicit or distasteful pictures or language will be tolerated
at all, and will result in your removal from the queue without any notice
or explanation.