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Missing—Class of 84

Taken from 1984 Yearbook and other sources - Please Note, this list is by far, not complete. Please see the 'Senior Pictures' page for a fairly complete list-we know the yearbook is missing quite a few classmates as well. Perhaps the Junior yearbook is more complete.  If you  know the whereabouts of a classmate, please email them the link to this website! I will not take off anybody from the missing list until they actually register... this ensures that nobody is taken off and then forgotten if they never end up registering. 

Missing from Class of 84—Not Registered  

  1. Jessica Adams

  2. Joe Agular

  3. Tami Allensworth

  4. Julie Antram

  5. Joanne Artiaga   (received e-mail classmates.com)

  6. Arthur Ashe   (registered with classmates.com)

  7. John Austin (registered with classmates.com)

  8. Stephanie Baca (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  9. Edward Balderrama

  10. Jaquenze Banks (registered with classmates.com)

  11. Karen Bartnick (registered with classmates.com)

  12. John Bauer (registered with classmates.com)

  13. Pat Beal (registered with classmates.com)

  14. Allan Bell

  15. Diane Beliel (registered with classmates.com)

  16. Dennis Bersosa (to be contacted by Connie Sedillo)

  17. Michelle Biehle

  18. Christi Bishop

  19. Marea Blanchard

  20. Jerry Bohac

  21. Roy Bonhorst

  22. Gilbert Boranda (received e-mail classmates.com)

  23. Carlos Brito

  24. Greg Brooks

  25. Tracy Brubaker (registered with classmates.com)

  26. Donnell Bryant (registered with classmates.com) )

  27. Elainia Bryant

  28. Lisa Bunker (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  29. Jeff Cairns (received e-mail classmates.com)

  30. Richard Campbell (received e-mail classmates.com)

  31. Demetrio Cardiel (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  32. Esther Cardiel (received e-mail classmates.com)

  33. Michel Castro

  34. Russell Clark (received e-mail classmates.com)

  35. Maurice Clark (registered with classmates.com)

  36. Connie Coyazo (registered with classmates.com)

  37. Gia Cromer

  38. Treva Danley (received e-mail classmates.com)

  39. Mike Davis (received e-mail classmates.com)

  40. Reginald Davis

  41. Vanessa Deck

  42. Cheryl Decker

  43. Maria Divet

  44. Ruby Dozier

  45. Kristin Doran

  46. Kristen Douglas (registered with classmates.com)

  47. Robert Dyroff

  48. Jeree Dunn (84) (can be reached at  sleepy81@earthlink.net)

  49. Tammy Duran (registered with classmates.com)

  50. Patty Edmundson (received e-mail classmates.com)

  51. Tammy Eggen

  52. Martin Enriquez

  53. Gary Ferguson

  54. Andrew Fierro

  55. Renae Figueroa

  56. Teresa Flores (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  57. Lee Forrester

  58. Dean Furr (received e-mail classmates.com

  59. Laurie Gallegos (registered with classmates.com)

  60. Adriana Garcia (was registered at Silvia’s website, but dropped?)

  61. Benji Garcia (registered with classmates.com)

  62. Ricardo Garcia (registered with classmates.com)

  63. John Garner

  64. Rodney Garner (registered with classmates.com)

  65. Dwayne Garrison

  66. Sherry Giddings (registered with classmates.com)

  67. Darrel Gittens (received e-mail classmates.com)

  68. Robert Goldsmith (registered with classmates.com)

  69. Sandra Goldsmith

  70. Michelle Gonzales

  71. Chris Guillette (registered with classmates.com)

  72. Johnny Gutiertrez (registered with classmates.com)

  73. Scott Hadley

  74. Patty Halcli (to be contacted by Maureen O’Conner)

  75. Joana Hall (received e-mail classmates.com)

  76. Bill Hamm

  77. Jay Hann

  78. Karon Harelson (registered with classmates.com)

  79. Deyona Hays

  80. David Henley (registered with classmates.com)

  81. Patrick Hernandez (registered with classmates.com)

  82. Brad Hinkle

  83. Tina Hixon

  84. Shelton Holland

  85. Mary Ann Holstein

  86. Zabeth Huffhines (registered with classmates.com.  To be contacted by Connie S.

  87. Lorinda Hunt

  88. Amy Hunter

  89. Martha Jaohnson (registered with classmates.com)

  90. Arlene Johnson

  91. Darlene Johnson

  92. Debbie Johnson (registered with classmates.com)

  93. Angela Jones

  94. Annette Josselyn (to be contacted by Judy Montgomery)

  95. Jim Kalina

  96. Carrie Knuppel

  97. Margie Kim Krueger (received e-mail classmates.com)

  98. Terri Kruger

  99. Kay Kuon (received e-mail classmates.com)

  100. Donna Kubos (registered with classmates.com)

  101. Bob Leach

  102. Jackie Leach (registered with classmates.com)

  103. Lisa Lenz

  104. Amparo Lopez  (received e-mail classmates.com) 

  105. Cindy Lopez (registered with classmates.com)

  106. Cindy Lucero (registered with classmates.com)

  107. Dodie Lucero (to be contacted by Connie Sedillo)

  108. Salina Lucero (registered with classmates.com)

  109. Sophia Lucero

  110. Eric Madison

  111. Margie Kim Madrid (registered with classmates.com)

  112. Glenn Mainz (registered with classmates.com)

  113. April Malone (registered with classmates.com, Contacted by Luanne H.)

  114. Lance Mamiya (received e-mail message)

  115. Tina Manning

  116. Dwain Martinez

  117. Michelle Maygarden (registered with classmates.com)

  118. Neil McComb

  119. Todd McCracken

  120. David Mears (received e-mail classmates.com)

  121. Ralph Middleton (registered with classmates.com

  122. Edith Moreland

  123. Sandra Munoz

  124. Buddy Murk (registered with classmates.com)

  125. Rhonda Newsome

  126. Kellie Noble (registered with classmates.com)

  127. Heather Novak

  128. Patty O’Brien

  129. Marie Ortega

  130. Mike Panetti (registered with classmates.com)

  131. Lisa Patterson (registered with classmates.com)

  132. Todd Penka

  133. Annette Perales

  134. Virginia Perez

  135. Tammy Perkins (registered with classmates.com)

  136. Tony Perkins

  137. Devra Plumb

  138. Harlyn Quincy (received e-mail classmates.com)

  139. Elizabeth Quintana

  140. Carol Reeves

  141. Mark Reeves

  142. Cammie Reid

  143. Mark Richards (received e-mail classmates.com)

  144. DeLaine Robbins

  145. Stephanie Roberts

  146. Marcella Robinson

  147. Larry Rogers (received e-mail classmates.com)

  148. Terry Rogers (registered with classmates.com)

  149. Teresa Romine (received e-mail classmates.com)

  150. Elva Ronquillo

  151. Susan Rovegno

  152. Bob Rundeen (registered with classmates.com)

  153. Cecilia Salas (registered with classmates.com)

  154. Becky Salazar (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  155. Denise Sanchez (received e-mail classmates.com, contacted by Leo A.)

  156. Hector Sanchez

  157. Trish Sanchez

  158. Anita Sanders

  159. Kevin Sandlin

  160. Janis Sandoval

  161. Matthew Sandoval (to be contacted by Michael Sanchez)

  162. Dina Schweitzer (registered with classmates.com)

  163. Sandra Shoaf

  164. Mark Silva

  165. Janine Sindelar (was registered at Silvia’s website, but dropped?)

  166. Larisa Smith

  167. Paula Smith (registered with classmates.com)

  168. Sandra Smith

  169. Zelda Smith (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  170. Laura Stamm

  171. Kim Stange

  172. Wesley Strawbridge (received e-mail classmates.com)

  173. Teresa Stevens

  174. Austin Stone

  175. Karen Stonge

  176. Tina Stout

  177. Andy Swann (registered with classmates.com)

  178. Michael Sword

  179. Molly Taft

  180. Gilbert Telles

  181. Robert Telles

  182. Michael Thompson (registered with classmates.com)

  183. Todd Tidwell

  184. Kim Tilbury (received e-mail classmates.com)

  185. Carol Torres

  186. Joan Torres

  187. Sylvia Torres

  188. Lisa Valle

  189. Tamara Vaughn

  190. Monica Veenpere

  191. Santiago Villabisencio (to be contacted by Julie Armijo)

  192. Rhonda Walker (received e-mail classmates.com)

  193. Ron Walker (registered with classmates.com)

  194. Debbie Walters

  195. Raymond Ward

  196. Scott Ward

  197. Gary Watkins (registered with classmates.com)

  198. Earl Wescoat (registered with classmates.com)

  199. Melissa Whitted (registered with classmates.com)

  200. Leslie Wideman

  201. Gayle Wiebers

  202. Michael Wilber (received e-mail classmates.com)

  203. JamesWilkinson

  204. Dawn Wilkson (received e-mail classmates.com)

  205. David Wojciechowski (received e-mail classmates.com)

  206. Ralph Wood (received e-mail classmates.com)

  207. Mike Yannacone

 If you know of an alumni that is not listed but should, listed but shouldn't, or whose name is misspelled, please email the webmaster. If you know the whereabouts of any of these classmates, email them this website!!!!

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Website maintained by Princess Silvia | Sleeping Angel Creations & Services
| Last Updated: December 29, 2006