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The Books about FREE stuff and more
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were recommended by Amazon.com customers (at least 4 stars out
of 5) or are new books with no reviews but by acclaimed authors.
Any purchase made from links to Amazon from this page will result
in a portion of the sale being donated to the EB
Info World website.
Thank you for your support!
Online: Using the Internet to Build Work at Home Success
Patricia Cobe, Ellen H. Parlapiano
to the National Foundation of Women Business Owners, six in
ten women business owners use the Internet with frequency.
In this up-to-the-minute book, Patricia Cobe and Ellen H.
Parlapiano offer these entrepreneurial women advice on how
to get an at-home Web business up and running, take an existing
business online, or find a company that allows telecommuting.
With the sound and timely advice in Mompreneurs Online, women
can build an Internet-based, kid-friendly business in the
comfort (or chaos) of their very own homes.
* Target the hottest, family-friendly Web businesses
* Maximize online money-making potential with innovative marketing
* Build a dynamic website-one that will keep visitors coming
back again and again
* Network with other "mompreneurs" online |
Work-At-Home Mom's Guide to Home Business: Stay at Home and
Make Money With Wahm.com
Cheryl Demas
you need to know about this lifestyle choice. This conversational,
supportive guide contains humorous essays and cartoons, combined
with practical advice, to create a great resource for women
looking to start a home business, as well as for those already
working at home. Topics cover all aspects of the work-at-home
lifestyle: choosing a business, making the transition, working
with children (and husbands), taking care of yourself, promoting
the business, and more. Author Cheryl Demas is the founder
of WAHM.com, and a leading advocate for moms who wish to work-at-home
while caring for their children. Demas and WAHM.com have been
feature in BusinessWeek, USA Today, Newsweek, Forbes The Chicago
Sun Times, and the LA Times, among others. |
5 Golden Rules
Jodie Lynn
is not about breaking the glass ceiling. It is parents helping
other parents with REAL solutions to everyday pull your hair
out family challenges and valuing mom as the real CEO.
About the Author
Jodie Lynn is a nationally syndicated parenting columnist,
author and soccer mom. Her column, Parent to Parent, is synidcated
by Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service and has a potential
readership of 29.7 million. She is the CEO of Parent to Parent
and knows first hand that the 5 Golden Rules will help parents
raise children in today's society without losing their mind
or forgetting themselves. Her motto: "ALL MOMS ARE WORKING
MOMS and never under estimate the power of prayer." |
Stay-At-Home Mom's Guide to Making Money from Home: Choosing
the Business That's Right for You Using the Skills and Interests
You Already Have
Liz Folger
Your Family’s Income While Taking Care of Your Children!
Did you know that millions of moms just like you are making
money from the comfort of their homes? You can do it too!
Stay-at-home mom expert Liz Folger shows you step-by-step
how you can stay home with your kids and make money doing
something you really enjoy. From scrapbooking, catering, and
massage therapy to pet sitting, accounting, Creations & Servicesing,
and hundreds more, you can turn your skills and talents into
profits for you and your family. Inside, you’ll learn how
·Find a business you love
·Plan and budget your time
·Manage yourself, your business, and your family
·Tap into the Internet’s vast resources and opportunities
·Avoid get-rich scams and costly mistakes
·Obtain a business license
·And much, much more!
You’ll also discover tips and advice from 35 moms who have
started their own successful businesses from home. If they
can do it, why not you? With The Stay-at-Home Mom’s Guide,
you too can turn your home-business dreams into reality. |
Money With Your Computer at Home: The Inside Information You
Need to Know to Select and Operate a Full-Time, Part-Time,
or Add-On Business
Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards
gurus Paul and Sarah Edwards have updated their popular Working
from Home series with a new edition of Making Money with Your
Computer at Home: The Inside Information You Need to Know
to Select and Operate a Full-Time, Part-Time, or Add-On Business
That's Right for You. Focusing on the publishing, health,
finance, music, and design industries, they describe 100 viable
computer-oriented home-based enterprises in part 1 and include
resources for further information. In part 2, they explain
how to use computers to manage finances, fulfill administrative
duties, complete marketing chores, and perform other tasks |
Entrepreneurial Parent: How to Earn Your Living and Still
Enjoy Your Family, Your Work and Your Life
Paul Edwards, Lisa M. Roberts, Sarah Edwards
from Home authors Paul and Sarah Edwards team up with en-parent.com's
Lisa Roberts to create the most detailed, realistic reference
guide for the millions of Americans who earn a living from
home while raising a family. Through "The National Survey
of Entrepreneurial Parents," over 700 respondents who have
embraced this alternative work-life option speak up for those
who would like to. This information-packed book features 101
EP profiles, plus chapters on financial transitions, time
management, family affairs and passing the EP tradition on
to the next generation. Other features include "Day in the
Life" work schedules, "Beat the Clock" strategies, 10 "Show
& Tell" business profiles, inspirational kid quotes, favorite
EP resources, and survey stats. For anyone who's ever wanted
to know the realities of working from home as a parent...and
the possibilities. |
Money in Cyberspace
Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards, Linda Rohrbough
Paul and Sarah Edwards have kept abreast of changing directions
in small business through a series of eight bestselling books
that began with their pioneering Working from Home, first
published in 1985. Now, teaming up with computer industry
journalist Linda Rohrbough, they've set their sights on the
Internet and how to profitably incorporate it into an entrepreneurial
operation. The book delivers on exactly what the title offers,
Making Money in Cyberspace: The Inside Information You Need
to Start or Take Your Own Business On-Line, and aims to flatten
the learning curve for novice but interested small businesses.
The nuts and bolts of working both within the medium (designing
Web sites and providing associated services to others, for
instance) and with it (selling various unrelated goods and
services online) are thoroughly discussed from the small-business
perspective, as are technical matters (such as choosing an
entrepreneur-friendly ISP and setting up a credit-card account).
Periodic profiles of those who successfully use cyberspace
in their business--complete with relevant URLs--are also interesting
and instructive. --Howard Rothman |
View from the Tub: An Inspiring and Practical Guide to Working
from Home
Millie Szerman
Michele Marrinan, Former Editor of Home Worker Magazine
Szerman's straightforward approach will make you think seriously
and help you plan for success before making the leap.
Amy Stavis, Publisher/Editor of Tableware Today
A MUST READ for budding work-at-home entrepreneurs. Well worth
the cost in the first chapter alone!
Training Magazine, July, 2001
Do not be fooled. This one should be read, and reread, both
for a home-based business or telework arrangement.
Book Description
Whether in the tub, on the deck, or in the basement, A View
From The Tub will prepare you to meet the challenges and enjoy
the benefits of the work-at-home lifestyle. Written in a frank,
intelligent and down-to-earth fashion, this book is a Must
Read for those on the brink of this journey! |
Practical Dreamer's Handbook: Finding the Time, Money, and
Energy to Live the Life You Want to Live
Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards
How often do each of us imagine a craft, business, or career
we'd love to pursue or a unique place we'd love to live, only
to drum up a hundred different reasons why it can't be done:
Our bills are too high; we're tied down to our current home;
our families will disapprove; our dreams won't pay enough-the
list goes on and on. The Practical Dreamer's Handbook is the
answer to those self-limiting notions. The groundbreaking
authors of Working from Home explain how readers can reverse
their current mindset and marshal their resources to begin
the lifestyle they desire. As always, Paul and Sarah provide
a wealth of examples and anecdotes from real-life "practical
dreamers" who have overcome the obstacles above and more.
They counsel small but potent steps we can take-such as keeping
a photograph of a place we dream of living-that not only keep
our ambitions alive, but create the circumstances for positive
coincidences to occur. They instruct the reader on specific
actions in areas including money and time management that
can help foster the transition from one type of working and
living situation to another. Finally, Paul and Sarah show
how to take pleasure in what you have created and how to avoid
creating another stress-filled lifestyle. The Practical Dreamer's
Handbook is not geared specifically to home-based entrepreneurs,
but rather to readers who yearn to begin any kind of new business,
lifestyle, career, or artistic pursuit. Both therapeutic and
pragmatic, it is the blueprint for which many have been searching.
Business, Big Business: The Definitive Guide to Starting and
Operating On-Line and Traditional Home-Based Ventures
Mel Cook
While not everyone who opens a home-based business will make
it to the top, a number of notable success stories--including
mail-order mogul Lillian Vernon, Borland International's Philippe
Kahn, and Rebecca Matthias of Mothers Work--have proven it
is possible to buck the odds and go from kitchen-table entrepreneur
to big-time corporate honcho. The recently revised and expanded
edition of Home Business, Big Business: The Definitive Guide
to Starting and Operating On-Line and Traditional Home-Based
Ventures, by consultant and retired CEO Mel Cook, is aimed
at readers who hope to follow in their footsteps. Cook opens
with short inspirational profiles of these and other formerly
home-based high-achievers, and then lays out many of the basic
details that can help one get from here to there. He touches
on everything from initial planning and product/service pricing
to daily operation and preparations for future growth. He
also describes more than 100 work-at-home options, divided
into categories like crafts, personal service, mail order,
and manufacturing and repair, and has added a section about
using the Net to launch and grow such enterprises. Final chapters
deal with turnkey business ventures, legal considerations,
opportunities for the elderly and disabled, and further resources.
-- Howard Rothman |

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