Welcome to our Wedding Album!

This album has about 30 of our most beautiful pictures. Each picture has a caption to explain a little more about each photograph, and all the pictures are in order from before the wedding, the arrival to the church, the ceremony and the reception.

Click "next" for the next picture or 'back' to go back to the previous photo.

Don't forget to sign our guest registry before you leave so we know you were here! Thank you and we hope you enjoy your visit to our very special day.

The professional photography was courtesy of
Hobby Foto of Cascinette d'Ivrea

Pick the type of Album you would like to see!

Regular Album
Advantage: Compatible with any browser
Disadvantage: Every picture has its own page, hence the music will restart and the page and graphics will re-load.

Slide-Show Album
Advantage: Music is flowing throughout the viewing as only the image loads, not the page. It can play all pictures automatically.
Disadvantage: Only compatible with Internet Explorer 4+