~EB Memorials~ Simplex Harrison "Beto" Wong
Harrison "Beto" Wong was born on
October 8th, 2002 and died on March 29th, 2004 DOD: 03-29-04 due to Respiratory Arrest secondary to complications due to EB Simplex Dowling Meara (severe).
Our angel boy's short presence on Earth touched many lives and continues to impact our lives in positive and enlighted ways. We shall always remember our Harrison for the love and joy he brought into the lives of his parents and two older sisters, Lian and Cailin. We miss you dearly, Beto, and wait anxiously to be reunited in our Lord's Kingdom. Linda Wong
In the Above
Pictures... Beto in basket when he was 2months old, Beto in high chair
when he was 9 months old, and Beto in hotel room was the last photo of him taken at the NPCC in Palo Alto, he was 17months old... Garrett James Denslaw
Garrett James Denslaw was born on December 6th, 2004 and died on December 18th, 2004 due to complications of two infections, MRSA and Pseudomonas. He had EB Simplex Dowling Meara. He is loved and missed dearly by his parents, Sara and Joe, and sisters, Samantha (EBS-DM) and Summer (EB
If your child died from complications of EB and you would like his or her photo on this page, please email Silvia...THANK YOU!! You might also consider joining the EBangels mailing list below, to chat with other parents or anyone that has lost a loved one to Epidermolysis Bullosa.
The Dance Looking back on the
memory of
The Dance by Garth Brooks |