~EB Memorials~ Junctional The generalized form of this is remarkably severe, known as gravis, Herlitz variant. This entity has bullae and large erosions occurring on mucosal surfaces. Even mild trauma can yield extensive erosions, and patients may suffer from frequent infection, sepsis, anemia, dehydration and malnutrition. Involvement may include the respiratory tree, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract. Patients with the Herlitz variant rarely survive beyond their first birthday. Austin Stanley Johnson
Austin Stanley Johnson born 02-19-06
and he died on 04-30-06 due to complications of EB. His mommy and dad, Val and Ryan I know miss his so much as well as his
grandparents, his Aunts and uncles, and cousins who where all there when he took his first breath and his last. Godspeed little man!
Courtney Leann Abner
Courtney Leann Abner, born June 3
2003 died April 17 2004 she had Junctional we are not sure what type
of Junctional she had. We live in Ellenboro West Virginia. She died
of respiratory arrest.
Courtney had a smile that would
light up a room and through all her sickness she would still somehow
manage to lift our spirits with her big blue eye's and beautiful
smile. Daddy, Mommy. Mamma and papaw love you and miss you so very
much. We know you are on Jesus' knee with perfect skin now. you will
always be our little angel!!!
Rebecca Paige Denise Stalker
Rebecca Paige Denise Stalker was
born on April 15th, 2004, and died July 1st 2004. She had Junctional
EB. Her family lives in Telford Shropshire (England)
Rebecca with her big sister Rochelle! Jordan Marie Herreid
Jordan Marie Herreid was born on April 26, 2003. She was diagnosed with Junctional EB on the 13th of May, but it is still unknown exactly what subtype she had. She died in her Daddy's arms on July 30, 2003 at three months of age. Her family misses her very much but knows she is happy in heaven with her perfect skin.
Zachary Hayden Olson
Zachary Hayden Olson was born on February 25, 2007 and returned to God on March 23, 2007. He had Junctional Herlitz EB. We live in CA. Our precious angel showed us what true love was, and gave us a glimpse of Heaven on earth!!!! He is loved and missed dearly by his Mommy & Daddy! Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Luis Boulle Couto
Luis Boulle Couto was born in Porto
Alegre/RS (Brazil) with Junctional EB on January 20th, 2007
and died on June 4th, 2007.
One though we learnt during the short time we had our warrior angel with us: "When you think you have learnt how play the life, life comes and change all the rules..." We have fought so hard and have learnt so much in so short timeframe, that the only thing we can say to out angel after that is: Thank you for showing us what really makes difference: love! We love you so much, and we always do! Dad, Mom and Mana ![]() If your child died from complications of EB and you would like his or her photo on this page, please email Silvia...THANK YOU!! You might also consider joining the EBangels mailing list below, to chat with other parents or anyone that has lost a loved one to Epidermolysis Bullosa.
The Dance Looking back on the
memory of
The Dance by Garth Brooks |