~EB Memorials~ Junctional The generalized form of this is remarkably severe, known as gravis, Herlitz variant. This entity has bullae and large erosions occurring on mucosal surfaces. Even mild trauma can yield extensive erosions, and patients may suffer from frequent infection, sepsis, anemia, dehydration and malnutrition. Involvement may include the respiratory tree, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract. Patients with the Herlitz variant rarely survive beyond their first birthday. Sophia Litynski Sophia Maria Litynski was born May 7, 2001 and died February 9, 2002 at 9 months and 2 days of age. She had the Herlitz form of Junctional EB (still awaiting confirmation). She died in her crib during an afternoon nap where she was surrounded by love from respiratory compromise, chronic anemia, and infection. Her eyes gave us the strength to fight for her and her life gave new meaning to ours. She showed us a bravery and love we will forever cherish. She will be forever loved and missed by her Mama, Jennifer and Daddy, Ernest and her big sister Amelia (EB free). Words can never express the love we will forever feel for this Sweet Angel from above. The following was a verse written on Sophia's memorial cards that really touches our hearts: God saw she was getting
tired, He only takes the best The local paper here in Milwaukee ran a front page article on her (http://www.jsonline.com/news/nobits/feb02/20438.asp) after a reporter there read her obituary (http://www.jsonline.com/news/obits/feb02/LitynskiSophiaMaria021302.asp) we will forever be proud of our sweet little girl. Lauren Marie Johnson Lauren
Marie Johnson was born May 15, 1993 and
died October 13, 1993 at 5 months of age. She had the Herlitz (although
never confirmed) form of Junctional EB. She had a trach at 3.5 months
and a central line placed at 4.5 months due to failure to thrive. She
died from an infection caused from the central line. Tyler Lauren Johnson Tyler Lauren Johnson was born December 4, 1994 and died May 27, 1995 at 5.5 months of age. He also had the Herlitz form of Junctional EB (also never confirmed). He had a g-tube placed at 4 months old due to failure to thrive. His incision never healed and his tube came out. At this point he was so anemic and he caught an infection. He also died from infection and complications thereof. Their mom and dad miss them terribly. Sarah Paige Comeaux Sarah Paige
Comeaux, was born February 20, 2002 and died
April 5, 2002 of cardiac arrest. She was born with two evils, Junctional
EB and Congenital Heart Disease. As with Sophia, Sarah had beautiful
eyes. We thank God for our every remembrance of her. Eduardo Faria Lua Carneiro Our angel, Eduardo Faria Lua Carneiro, was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 8, and died in September 7. He fought with all his strength against his disease. According the test which be done after his death, Eduardo had EB Junctional (we don't now exactly the type). He is our biggest treasure, the light of our eyes, the biggest dream of our finest dreams. That's why he will be never forgotten. We miss him a lot, especially his beautiful eyes. Through them, we managed to learn everything about pain, strength, love, and faith. We are sure that Eduardo became a God's angel, and will be, forever, our guardian angel. Kaël Fontaine
Kaël Fontaine was born September 23rd, 2004 died December 17th, 2005 at the age of 15 months. He had
Junctional EB but the subtype is still not confirmed. Kaël loved life and was
smiling all the time... He showed us so much about love and life... If your child died from complications of EB and you would like his or her photo on this page, please email Silvia...THANK YOU!! You might also consider joining the EBangels mailing list below, to chat with other parents or anyone that has lost a loved one to Epidermolysis Bullosa.
The Dance Looking back on the
memory of
The Dance by Garth Brooks |