~EB Memorials~ Junctional The generalized form of this is remarkably severe, known as gravis, Herlitz variant. This entity has bullae and large erosions occurring on mucosal surfaces. Even mild trauma can yield extensive erosions, and patients may suffer from frequent infection, sepsis, anemia, dehydration and malnutrition. Involvement may include the respiratory tree, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract. Patients with the Herlitz variant rarely survive beyond their first birthday. Brogan Ayre Brogan Ayre was born on March 28th, 2000. She was 7 weeks early weighing 4lb 3oz. She died on February 5th, 2001 at 10 months old from complications. She had Junctional EB with pyloric atresia. The pyloric atresia means stomach blockage. This form of EB is exeptionally rare. She put quite a fight for life in her short 10 months, and will be forever remembered and loved by all. Her mom Diane and dad Paul miss her more than words can say. The Following two poems were written for Brogan by her 11 year old cousin Amy. The first one was written when Brogan was 9 month old. The second one after her passing. ****~*** We prayed for a miracle
and finally we were blessed ****~*** Our baby is an angel
NicholasHunter Smejkal Nicholas Hunter
Smejkal, was born and died on March 7, 2001. He had Junctional EB.
And for lack of understanding, they say they really do not know why
he died or especially died when he did. He past away two days before
he was supposed to be born.
Matthew Jake Archuleta Matthew
Jake Archuleta was born June 9, 1998 and
died November 11, 1998 at 5 months of age. He had the Herlitz Junctional
form of EB and died from infection and respiratory failure. April Ann Stumpf April Ann Stumpf was born on December 24, 1996 and died on May 21, 1997 at the age of 5 months from JEB Herlitz. Her life has given us a stronger meaning to our lives. We have learned to love more, care more, treasure life more, and not to sweat the small stuff. Thank you April for the wonderful gift your life has given us! Coleby Brystal Myers Coleby Brystal Myers was born on October 28, 1998 and died November 7, 1998 at 10 days old. She was diagnosed with Pyloric Atesia-Junctional EB. She died from complications (her kidneys shut down) from her second surgery to correct her stomach blockages, in her daddy's arms as he rocked her and sang to her. Her parents Tracy & Jayme love and miss her very much. She is and always will be their greatest blessing.
Thomas Isaac Schossow Thomas Isaac Schossow was born on the 24th June 2001 and passed away July 16th, 2002 aged 1 year and 3 weeks. He had Junctional Herlitz EB and died from complications. Thomas's eyes spoke more words than you could ever imagine, through his eyes came his happiness, love & pleasures and also his pain and sadness. The things in life we take for granted were the greatest joys in Thomas's life. He filled our hearts with love and gave us a lifetime of memories, that will never be forgotten. He is missed terribly by his mother, Alison, his daddy Dale and his big brother Ryan. Jaylin Elizabeth Pare
Jaylin Elizabeth Pare was born on September 20, 2007 and passed away October 7th, 2007. She had Junctional Herlitz EB and died from complications in Safford, Virginia. Angel Dust Let the
angels sweep my child and hold her to the sky, Play with
her on clouds as she giggles with such delight, Feed her
vanilla custard, As it is her most favorable treat, Throughout
cherub heaven will my precious daughter glide, WHAT
I WOULD GIVE<3 I think of
that day; my vision blurs & my throat starts to close What I would
give to stroke your hair Looking back
a year from today What I would
give to gaze into your eyes I miss you
so & there is not a day that goes by What I would
give to touch your lovely face When I think
of your soft smile & all the love you gave What I would
give to have just one chance It's times
like these I ask myself why What I would
give to get the opportunity to rewind to the past Now your my
guardian angel, always there by my side I just wish
you could give me a sign, to let me know you're okay In my
heart you will stay, along with the memories too If your child died from complications of EB and you would like his or her photo on this page, please email Silvia...THANK YOU!! You might also consider joining the EBangels mailing list below, to chat with other parents or anyone that has lost a loved one to Epidermolysis Bullosa.
The Dance Looking back on the
memory of
The Dance by Garth Brooks |