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Birthday: July 3, 1964 Location: Chandler, AZ, USA Family members with EB: Nicholas, 3 years old, RDEB Biography... in her own words: As some of you many know, I was born and raised in a little town in Northern Italy called Ivrea. Ivrea is about 30 miles Northwest of Turin, the 4th largest city in Italy. Ha ha, yes, 9 times out of 10 I get this blank stare... most people have no clue where Turin is, LOL, but they hosted the 2006 Winter Olympic Games!! Turin is also the official home of the Holy Shroud. I came to the US one April day in 1982 to visit and spend some time with my aunt in New Mexico, I was 17 years old. I was only supposed to stay for a little while...but... as life would have it I am still here now! At any rate, to make a long story short, after a high school diploma, stints to work in the travel industry and a brand new career in the food industry, I married Nick, which was the son of one of my aunt's friends, in 1988. I wouldn't start working in the Computer Industry until 1992, and I am still at it :) At any rate, that is about
as brief as a background as I can make it before I start my spill
about my journey to motherhood. It has been a roller coaster ride, and
not even remotely what I had imagined growing up. My first positive pregnancy
test was just a few days before my 30th birthday. To say I was happy it's
the understatement of the year. I had wanted children forever and I had
even gotten to the point of crying hopelessly when I heard of yet another
friend getting pregnant. Finally it was my turn... yeah! The pregnancy
was totally uneventful, and it was a boy! Just what I wanted. I was walking
on a cloud for the entire 9 months it seemed. I had never been happier.
But that happiness would soon turn to total despair. On the day Alex was
due, February 26th, 1995, I could not feel him move, I didn't even feel
pregnant, it was weird. I could not call the Dr. because it was Sunday,
but I was so naive the thought that the baby was dead did not even enter
my mind. On Monday morning first Just when I thought I was getting better I miscarried, and that threw me in a worse place than I was before. Sometimes I've described those times as being suicidal, but I would never take my own life. Rather, I now know why people do, and that is a really scary thought. It is the most hopeless state I've ever been in. Dealing with people in general was by far the hardest thing I had to face. A lot of people said a lot of things that they thought were helpful...instead proceeded in making things worse. The most hurtful comment I received by far had to have been when I was put down and ridiculed for being jealous of this other mother's baby being born alive. Yes, I was jealous. Was I horrible for feeling this way? No, not in my newly found view of life and things. I felt I had every right to be jealous, I had a right to grieve and a right to feel cheated, after all, I had been through a horrible blow, the worse kind of loss anyone can ever have. I had also been through the 9 months and the happiness behind it, the baby shower, the crib ready and the diapers bought, the labor, the pushing, of COURSE I was jealous that they got to bring a baby home and I had to buy a casket and a cemetery plot. This showed me how absolutely insensitive people can really be. Unfortunately, this would not be the only time someone would made me feel like I was a horrible human being for being jealous...but, more on that later.
Nicky is such a precious, loving and special child. But it is incredibly painful to see his boo-boos, which can be quite extensive. So far the worse event has been when I accidentally stepped on his hand, degloving it (taking off the skin of the ENTIRE hand). But other incidents, like the throwing up of blood, the almost constant skinless elbows/knees and bottom, and the surprise huge blisters, have all thrown me in despair. Everyday tasks, like a simple diaper change is a nightmare. Baths are awful. He cannot take a bath completely naked due to his many wounds, and when I take him out of the bath I cannot touch him with my fingertips because I have caused many blisters that way. I have to use my arms, and then I have to change all his dressings, some of which might be "attached" to the wound...blah!! Sometimes I don't even feel like a mom, I feel like I am a reluctant nurse. I don't want to see my baby in pain, I don't want to see his blood. It is very, very hard to put a face sometimes. Even if I did not cry as hard as I did with Alex, the pain has been there every single day, because it is every day that Nicky cries out in pain from a blister or a boo-boo. But he himself is the one that keeps me going. Always smiling, always laughing, always hugging. He is the most precious, loving boy. How I wish I could do simple things with him, like picking him up under the armpits, throwing him in the air, let him run around naked...the list goes on and on. I do believe that, one day, he will become an incredible person. Because he already is. And so it happened again
just recently that somebody made me feel like I was an absolutely awful
person for being jealous of a healthy or healthier child. It was Deja
Vu. Good grief. "Here is another insensitive and clueless person",
I thought to myself, someone that cannot see past her nose. If only this
person would see what I have to put my child through every day, she would
KNOW that my being jealous has nothing to do with not loving my child.
It has nothing to do with the fact that I do not accept his disability,
or that I do not enjoy him. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that
I am tired of him being in pain, and that his pain hurts me more than
mere words can explain. Yet, I keep going, out of unconditional love,
and yes, I am envious of parents that do not have to hurt their children.
As long as my child is in pain, I will possibly always be. I am not sure
why that is such a hard concept to explain, but, it is. Moms in my shoes,
sure know what I am talking about. But, how do you explain, to the parent
of a healthy child who just made you feel like a rotten person for being
jealous, how it feels to feel so helpless? There are days I cannot stand
his continuous crying. His eye The absolute worse part about Nicky having the Recessive Dystrophic form of EB is that I cannot look forward to him getting better... EVER. If anything, he's just going to go through more surgeries and more pain, with little hope for true normalcy or recovery. Yet it is very evident with these children, that their spirit soars high, and will try their best to be as normal as possible. Most EB kids are straight As students. Nicky, true to that, at 3, he can count to 20, spell his name, and knows the entire alphabet--and knows words that start with those letters too. Most 5 year olds cannot do that. Nicky enjoys the little things other kids might very well take for granted, and his love for people that love him is pure gold. This is the children with EB (and their parents) greatest gift, the chance to see the world with their eyes, because it is indeed a different and more special world than the one we live in. I will stop at nothing to spread awareness, that is the reason behind my websites, especially EB Info World. I know that through the websites, awareness can be achieved, and, in turn, awareness will lead to funding, which leads to scientists being able to find a cure faster for our children. I will not stop until EB is eradicated from this planet. If you can help, please Email me, I will let you know how. Thank you for your
time...and here is a
Don't let the sun go down on me by George Michael |